Best Financial Advisor Firms Delaware 2024 is committed to the highest ethical standards and reviews services independently. Learn How We Make Money

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August 06, 2024

No matter what life stage you’re in, there are times you might need to ask a financial advisor for help. How should you invest your money? Where should you stash your kids’ college savings? What about planning for retirement? These are just some of the questions a financial expert can answer.

But how to find a reputable financial advisor? You’re in the right place. Every month, gathers data on over 17,000 financial advisor firms in the U.S. Then we filter for the best of the best. Only established firms with at least 10 years in business and $100 million+ in assets under management, with no reported disciplinary history or conflicts of interest,* are included on our list for Best Financial Advisor Firms in Delaware in 2024.

Best Firms in Delaware

Click any column header to sort the table, or click any firm to see a detailed review.

Company Overall Assets Under Management Total Clients Total Advisors Average Client Balance
Absolute Capital Management
5/5 Stars $351.5 million 1,414 3 $248,567
Apella Wealth
5/5 Stars $3.3 billion 3,300 40 $1.0 million
Assembly Wealth
5/5 Stars $369.0 million 255 6 $1.4 million
Astor Investment Management
5/5 Stars $261.4 million 519 5 $503,753
Baltimore-washington Financial Advisors
5/5 Stars $1.9 billion 3,822 11 $508,019
Blbb Advisors
5/5 Stars $2.3 billion 1,337 13 $1.7 million
Blue Bell Private Wealth Management
5/5 Stars $670.7 million 739 9 $907,575
Chandler Asset Management
5/5 Stars $35.8 billion 818 16 $43.8 million
Chatham Wealth Management
5/5 Stars $506.3 million 351 3 $1.4 million
Cincinnati Asset Management
5/5 Stars $2.4 billion 6,312 8 $378,975
CJM Wealth Advisers
5/5 Stars $1.1 billion 854 10 $1.3 million
Clariti Wealth Advisors
5/5 Stars $565.8 million 225 6 $2.5 million
Clark Capital Management Group
5/5 Stars $25.9 billion 30,934 24 $838,262
Clearstead; Hartland & Co.; Clearstead Advisory Solutions
5/5 Stars $22.4 billion 4,264 28 $5.2 million
Clinton Investment Management
5/5 Stars $2.8 billion 1,402 8 $2.0 million
Coho Partners
5/5 Stars $4.6 billion 1,190 3 $3.8 million
Conservest Capital Advisors
5/5 Stars $1.7 billion 289 6 $5.9 million
Cookson Peirce Wealth Management
5/5 Stars $1.9 billion 920 17 $2.1 million
CRA Financial Services
5/5 Stars $1.2 billion 1,272 11 $943,938
Csenge Advisory Group
5/5 Stars $2.8 billion 5,630 76 $488,978
Donald W. Nicholson & Associates
5/5 Stars $178.3 million 143 2 $1.2 million
DT Investment Partners
5/5 Stars $1.5 billion 1,304 5 $1.2 million
Ellis Investment Partners
5/5 Stars $800.8 million 802 18 $998,485
EP Wealth Advisors
5/5 Stars $22.3 billion 13,185 195 $1.7 million
Estabrook Capital Management
5/5 Stars $863.7 million 794 5 $1.1 million
Evermay Wealth Management
5/5 Stars $1.1 billion 512 15 $2.1 million
FBB Capital Partners
5/5 Stars $1.9 billion 1,063 12 $1.8 million
Financial Consulate
5/5 Stars $782.3 million 911 12 $858,693
Financial Council
5/5 Stars $959.4 million 1,456 6 $658,940
Financial Services Advisory
5/5 Stars $693.7 million 719 9 $964,816
Flexible Plan Investments
5/5 Stars $1.4 billion 11,773 6 $120,660
Freedom Investment Management
5/5 Stars $2.0 billion 9,859 17 $204,068
Frontier Asset Management
5/5 Stars $5.7 billion 3,671 14 $1.6 million
Future Capital
5/5 Stars $962.5 million 12,768 2 $75,386
Garcia Hamilton & Associates
5/5 Stars $20.2 billion 449 3 $45.1 million
Geowealth Management
5/5 Stars $12.3 billion 49,816 20 $247,576
Godsey & Gibb Wealth Management
5/5 Stars $1.3 billion 799 9 $1.6 million
Godshalk Welsh Capital Management
5/5 Stars $255.3 million 108 1 $2.4 million
Greenspring Advisors
5/5 Stars $6.9 billion 1,201 27 $5.7 million
Grimes & Company
5/5 Stars $4.9 billion 3,599 30 $1.3 million
HSC Wealth Advisors
5/5 Stars $358.1 million 418 8 $856,745
Hudock Capital Group
5/5 Stars $747.2 million 855 9 $873,953
Jacobi Capital Management
5/5 Stars $1.7 billion 2,492 23 $679,151
JAG Capital Management
5/5 Stars $1.6 billion 895 12 $1.7 million
Lighthouse Financial Services
5/5 Stars $387.3 million 455 5 $851,158
Mainstay Capital Management
5/5 Stars $4.0 billion 3,476 14 $1.2 million
Matson Money
5/5 Stars $19.6 billion 30,605 9 $641,967
Mcgowan Group Asset Management
5/5 Stars $837.5 million 718 8 $1.2 million
Merit Financial Advisors
5/5 Stars $7.3 billion 11,475 139 $631,994
Miller Tabak Asset Management
5/5 Stars $1.3 billion 1,104 1 $1.2 million
Mitchell Sinkler & Starr
5/5 Stars $1.6 billion 244 7 $6.5 million
Modera Wealth Management
5/5 Stars $12.5 billion 5,684 106 $2.2 million
N1 Advisors
5/5 Stars $346.3 million 198 3 $1.7 million
5/5 Stars $95.4 billion 434 1 $219.8 million
Palisade Asset Management
5/5 Stars $1.2 billion 103 5 $11.7 million
Parallel Advisors
5/5 Stars $7.1 billion 3,658 63 $1.9 million
Patten and Patten
5/5 Stars $1.9 billion 709 4 $2.7 million
Paul Comstock Partners
5/5 Stars $2.0 billion 114 8 $17.8 million
Payne Capital Management
5/5 Stars $1.1 billion 1,025 7 $1.0 million
Perigon Wealth Management
5/5 Stars $6.9 billion 3,744 77 $1.9 million
Planning Directions
5/5 Stars $422.8 million 412 4 $1.0 million
Riggs Asset Management CO
5/5 Stars $448.8 million 396 7 $1.1 million
RKL Private Wealth
5/5 Stars $1.8 billion 1,093 25 $1.6 million
Sage Advisory Services CO
5/5 Stars $22.7 billion 8,128 38 $2.8 million
SBK Financial
5/5 Stars $1.1 billion 262 9 $4.3 million
Shufro, Rose & Co
5/5 Stars $2.0 billion 1,269 9 $1.6 million
Sigfig Wealth Management
5/5 Stars $2.8 billion 79,642 4 $35,120
Slavic Mutual Funds Management Corp
5/5 Stars $5.6 billion 1,098 13 $5.1 million
Smithbridge Asset Management
5/5 Stars $613.0 million 476 5 $1.3 million
SOL Capital Management CO
5/5 Stars $2.7 billion 417 11 $6.4 million
Stadion Money Management
5/5 Stars $2.3 billion 50,984 15 $45,756
Sterling Investment Advisors
5/5 Stars $745.8 million 394 7 $1.9 million
Stillwater Capital Advisors
5/5 Stars $980.8 million 523 4 $1.9 million
Symmetry Partners
5/5 Stars $5.9 billion 11,453 15 $513,352
Tandem Investment Advisors
5/5 Stars $3.2 billion 9,811 9 $330,206
The Marshall Financial Group
5/5 Stars $779.2 million 489 11 $1.6 million
The Mather Group
5/5 Stars $10.5 billion 4,245 91 $2.5 million
TOM Johnson Investment Management
5/5 Stars $1.5 billion 5,627 6 $267,561
Torray Investment Partners
5/5 Stars $657.3 million 426 6 $1.5 million
Traynor Capital Management
5/5 Stars $1.2 billion 1,003 4 $1.2 million
West Financial Services
5/5 Stars $2.2 billion 890 22 $2.4 million
Westover Capital Advisors
5/5 Stars $401.2 million 229 5 $1.8 million
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Every month’s rigorous Trust Algorithm sorts through more than 500,000 data points from the SEC. We then filter for the following data points to determine which firms qualify for our list of Best Financial Advisor Firms in Delaware 2024.

Firm has:

  • Jurisdiction in Delaware
  • SEC registration
  • No reported conflicts of interest*
  • No reported disciplinary history
  • At least 10 years in business
  • Total clients: 100+
  • Total assets under management (AUM): $100 million+

*These are the conflicts of interest tracked by attorney conflict, broker-dealer conflict, commissions compensation conflict, insurance agency conflict, insurance affiliation conflict, private investment management, proprietary securities or investment products, soft-dollar benefit conflict. For more information on conflicts of interest and disciplinary actions, see our Trust Algorithm.

The “ Star Rating Badge” is only available to RIA firms participating in’s paid subscription-based program and earning a 4.5 to 5 star review from; participation in's paid subscription-based program does not guarantee being awarded an “ Star Rating Badge”. For more information on how rates and reviews RIA firms, please see the Algorithm page.

About the Editorial Team is your trustworthy guide to the world of personal finance. Founded in 2018 as an unbiased resource empowering consumers to research and compare financial advisory firms, today gives consumers the tools to make smart money decisions about credit, investing, retirement planning, and more.
